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Demand Response Markets

需求响应是一个总括性的术语,包括客户根据几个信号减少能源使用的能力. 这些信号可能来自电网本身,比如可靠性问题. There are also pricing signals, 当能源价格高时,消费者可以使用哪些方法来减少能源消耗. With the right response, 消费者减少的碳排放基本上相当于一个发电厂所产生的能量.

保持供需平衡对整个能源网络非常重要. Unfortunately, 客户往往对高价格反应迟钝,甚至可能由于他们的供应协议而完全不受价格变化的影响. 因此,当需求高时,发电厂必须增加发电量以满足需求的增加. Through demand response, customers can simply reduce their usage. 这有助于平衡需求和供应,而不必求助于效率较低的发电厂.

客户可以通过以下方式来响应这些信号之一,从而降低短期消费量, for instance, slightly adjusting the building’s set temperature, dimming common-area lighting on sunny days, or turning off unnecessary fixtures like fountains. 这些适度的变化可以显著减少能源使用,而不会给租户带来不便.

需求响应交易通过联邦政府授权的实体来处理,该实体作为中立和独立的协调者来移动和交易 wholesale electricity. These entities are known as Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO).

BOMA/Chicago建筑位于PJM互连所覆盖的区域内, which covers all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

PJM将其需求响应市场分为两大类:经济和应急. 客户可以根据自己的情况参与其中一项或两项.

Emergency Demand Response

Emergency demand response, otherwise referred to as “Capacity,是指当PJM需要紧急援助来维持电网时,客户作出的减少负荷或只消耗一定数量电力的承诺. 紧急情况的例子包括容量不足、天气炎热或电厂故障.


  • Limited Demand Response, 客户同意在6月至9月期间的10个工作日内提供服务(一天最多6小时);
  • Extended Summer Demand Response, which requires customers to be available for an unlimited number of days between May through October for up to 10 hours at a time; and
  • 年度需求响应,客户在一年中的每一天都是可用的.

These emergency resources are treated just like power plants; PJM completely relies upon their demand response performance when the grid most needs it. 通过这些紧急市场提供服务的客户由PJM支付费用,以便在任何预期的紧急情况下提供服务. But if a customer fails to reduce its load when called upon, that customer can face a significant penalty from PJM.

客户参与紧急需求响应的另一种方式是自愿参与, 当调用紧急十大网赌靠谱网址时,客户选择减少其负载的位置. 如果客户能够成功地减少其负载并测量其减少, PJM will pay the customer for its voluntary participation.

Economic Demand Response

On the economic side of the demand response programs, PJM提供自愿计划,允许客户减少他们的负荷,并通过几个市场实现新的收入流. These include the Energy Market, Synchronized Reserve Market, Day-Ahead Scheduling Reserve Market, and the Regulation Market. PJM根据客户对特定市场的反应向他们付费.

Energy Market

PJM’s Energy Market is the most basic form of demand response. 它允许客户自愿响应PJM的价格,减少他们的消费,当它有经济意义(如.e.(当减排的净收益超过减排本身的成本时). 充分和可衡量地减少使用的客户将收到减少的费用.

Synchronized Reserve Market

The Synchronized Reserve Market 是为了在短时间内突然需要更多电力时向电网供电而设计的. 客户提交具体报价,以迅速减少他们的能源通知- PJM要求客户在PJM调度后10分钟内减少同步储备市场的消耗.


Day-Ahead Scheduling Reserves Market

Day-Ahead Scheduling Reserves 在PJM系统中,是否有一个基于市场的机制来提供30分钟的“储备”. PJM requires this do be done within a half-hour of a PJM dispatch. 市场提供了一种定价方法和价格信号,鼓励客户安排第二天不会使用的额外容量.

Regulation Market

Regulation 对可能影响电网稳定性的电力使用的短期变化进行服务校正. The Regulation Market, essentially, 帮助匹配正在产生的功率与正在消耗的功率, so it is a constant response effort from the customer. 需求响应客户利用调节服务调整其消费,以帮助维持电网的理想频率.